Hotel and venue information
All rooms at Oglebay Resort are currently sold out for the ERM event dates. You may contact the hotel directly in case of cancellations or there are many off site options available in the area.​
The 2024 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting will be hosted by the historic Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, West Virginia, just southwest of the Pittsburgh metroplex. All conference activities, including the exhibit hall, technical presentations, keynote luncheon and networking activities will be held on site in the resort's hotel and conference facilities.
Conference attendees can benefit from a discounted hotel rate by referencing the reservation code listed to the right and mentioning that you are booking for the SPE-ERM Eastern Regional Meeting group.
Please note the reserved room block is first come, first served.
While meeting activities will be held in the conference facilities of the Wilson Lodge hotel, guests are welcome to consider any of the resorts other housing options, including the resort's cottages and estate houses. Please note, if booking non-hotel options, additional charges may apply even when using the ERM reservation code.
Oglebay has a wide variety of activities and facilities to make your stay memorable, including the Arnold Palmer designed course at the Speidel Golf Club, the relaxing West Spa, the on-site Good Zoo, spacious Wheeling Park, and a variety of other resort based options to entertain the whole family,
We hope to see you at Oglebay for ERM this fall!
Oglebay Resort​
465 Lodge Drive
Wheeling, WV 26003